Hi Everyone!
Here are your assignments for this week:
Jett – 15 min/day – Sunflower – Practice playing through your notes slowly and listen for the timing of the song. Best way to practice this is by “looping” a section as we did in lesson (repeating a few notes at a time).
Hyphen – 10 min/day – Radioactive – Look at the notes we learned today and aim to get familiar with playing them on guitar. Best way to practice this is by double checking that your pushing down right to the wood with your left hand, and playing to the left of the frets (metal) but also as close as possible. We’ll look at this more next time.
Maurya – 30min/day – Guitar solo for give in to me, look over what we’ve covered so far and check each note for where to play it on your guitar, don’t worry about speed at this point, but aim to be able to play each note clearly for next lesson.
Have a good week!