Hi Everyone,
Here are your assignments for this week:
Recommended minutes to practice: 15-20 min/day
What to practice: Transposing Major Scale Shapes From C
How to practice it most effectively: Transposing means to take something played in one key and play the same thing in a different key. Take the C major scale positions on guitar and try them in the key of G, F etc.
Recommended minutes to practice: 10 min/day
What to practice: A mixolydian
How to practice it most effectively:
Recommended minutes to practice: 15-20 min/day
What to practice: Repertoire + Theory
How to practice it most effectively: Continue applying concepts from class to songs your working on (rhythm counting. major key diatonic harmony, strumming patterns, poly rhythms,) Also try adjusting your thumb a bit to the right and overall moving your hand a bit to the right.
Recommended minutes to practice: 10 min/day
What to practice: Mary Had A Little Lamb
How to practice it most effectively: Take it from the beginning and see how far in the song you can get on your own!
How parents can support practice: Encourage Yasmim to pick up the guitar for a few minutes each day and also to use her lesson notes with fret numbers written down if it’s helpful. It may also be easier to work from memory for some parts.
Recommended minutes to practice: 10-15 min/day
What to practice: Chord Shapes
How to practice it most effectively: Play through each string individually to check that each note is ringing out then try playing all the strings together and see if you can still hear each note.
Have a good week everyone!