Hi, everyone!
Missed you this week! Here’s a reminder of what to focus on at home for next week:
- Czerny No. 1: Good work on playing HT, clean up chord changes, and practice playing a little faster.
- Czerny No. 2: prepare LH
- Bourée (pg. 24) – DONE
- Gigue in A major (pg. 48) – Separate hands – practice the notes. Count! Check rhythm. Careful of lifts, slurs, staccato.
- Clementi – sonatina in C, movement 1: RH prepare, LH if time
- theory: practice clapping rhythm on pg. 34
- Recommended practice: daily, 45mins each time
Recommended practice: at least 3 times a week, 20mins each time
Recommended practice: at least 5 times a week, 30mins each time
- pg. 25, music track 11 – sing along to the track and make sure the fingers and hands are curved. Technique is very important!
- pg. 26 & 27, music track 12 & 13 – focus on playing 2 black notes at the same time, make sure hands and arms are graceful when moving from one set of black notes to the next
- pg. 28 & 29, music track 14 & 15 – this is the same approach, but for 3 black notes
Recommended practice: at least 3 times a week, 15mins each time
Missed you this week! Here’s a reminder of what to focus on at home for next week:
- Bach Minuet – learn separate hands, make sure to keep your eyes on the score
- Lalaland – bring in the piece you’d like to learn
- Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata – print out the PDF and work on the first page, RH
- please bring in a notebook for next lesson onwards
Recommended practice: daily, at least 30mins each time
Pg. 12 Ferris Wheel – slow practice, keep counting! And be careful of swapping hands
Pg. 14 “Mexican Jumping Beans” – practice at a faster tempo. Staccato!
Pg. 15 “Haunted Mouse” – join the notes. Staccatos can be shorter.
theory pg. 14
Festive March – a little faster, pedal, dynamics!
alpine melody – revise
Something just like this – Count and play at the same time. Use metronome at 60!