Hello Kaden and Ella,
I heard from the instructor, Alex, that you guys both did really well and he enjoyed to teach you. I hope that you learned different style how he is approach with the new material.
So, here is the homework base upon what I heard from Alex.
Kaden: Practice the material that he handed out to you. Follow the instruction what are written on the paper and practice slowly. Alex told me you have a great enthusiasm. I’m happy to hear it and keep working hard. Aim 1 hour daily. Remember that practice slowly makes everything perfect :)
Ella: I hope you feel better from the cold last week. Alex told me you nailed the drum rudiment call “Flam”. Keep practicing how he taught you and practice slowly so that you could hear clearly the sound of “Flam”. You’re half away through to accomplish the song “Hotel California”. Keep it up and working hard. Aim 30 minute daily. :)
Happy Practice~