COVID Update • Supplementary Jan. 2022
Hello Everybody,
We continue to experience changes due to COVID, which are derailing efforts to return to a normal schedule and experience. Some of this note is being re-sent in case you missed it on Monday.
As a result private music lessons will be delivered digitally for January at this time.
Family Music Together classes will also be delivered digitally during this time.
Over the last year we changed our policies and procedures to account for this type of situation, and to us stay in business. Please view these ‘Public Health Safety Protocol’ policies our website.
Ultimately, we would really like your compassion and support for what we hope will be a 1 month delay in our in-person classes by remaining registered and participating digitally. If it is a problem and a burden, please call the office and ask for me to call you back if you don’t get me in person. We have an obvious backlog at the moment, but will call you as soon as possible. We promise to take an individual and common sense approach to your situation.
For our Music Together Families we are offering 3 Live Mixed Age Classes, and one Babies class at different times every week, and you continue to be able to access pre-recorded, archived versions of these classes alongside our pre-recorded story library in English and French. You can participate live or on-demand as many times as you like.
We understand that some of you have not received our emails of yesterday about this. Please check your filters and spam to make sure what we send you gets through. If you have a Gmail account, please also check your ‘promotions’ folder as we find we often end up there.
If you still do not see our emails, please visit our website at and click the ‘news’ button at the top of the page. This will take you to our main news feed online, which you can always check. Please sign up for the appropriate news feed if you have not been getting the emails.
Our team is continuing to work hard for you, and to give you options as we are all forced to navigate 2 years of pent-up frustration. We hope you will choose to stick with us during this period.
If you have any questions, please call us in the office at 416-651-7529.
Today’s announcements from the provincial government are clear, and the result for us is that all of January will be delivered digitally for Music Lessons and classes. Please consult our online studio schedule so you have the correct 10-digit studio ID code for your teacher. The password for this page is ZoomZoomZoom. Open Zoom, click ‘Join Meeting’ and enter your code to join your lesson (or the waiting room if you are early).
Please also consult our Policies & Procedures page to understand how we handle States of Emergency, such as this current pandemic.
Music Together classes are likewise moving to digital delivery. Books will be mailed out to your homes as quickly as possible.
We have a tentative and draft schedule only at this time. We are waiting to get confirmation from all teachers on this, and will try to update you Tuesday morning (January 4th). The tentative online schedule is as follows and is heavily subject to change:
To access your weekly class please refer to the previous email sent or call the office at 416-651-7529. We do recommend ‘arriving’ early and getting your space set up so you can move around and get active.
Please do consult our Policies & Procedures page to understand how we handle States of Emergency, such as this current pandemic.
It is our intention to return to in-person activity as soon as we are allowed to. Our Restart Plan has been extremely successful. We are keen to continue with it.
As always, we thank you for your patience!
-The ABC Team,