2012-2013 Academic Year Starts Next Week
The first regular day of school is also our first day of school. That’s Tuesday, September 4th. We get going straight away, so don’t forget to show up for your first lesson(s) next week. Someone always does!
Are you ready and registered for the school year? If not, please call us as soon as possible to secure your time. We’ve been seeing a significant up-tick in registrations this week, and the good times will go quickly.
We expect to be available most of the weekend, but if you don’t reach us leave a message! Let us know what time you would like, and what instrument/teacher, and we’ll call you back as soon as possible.
Lesson Times
We’ll be calling you over the course of the weekend to remind you of your fall lesson time, which begins on or after next Tuesday.
We may also post the listing here, so check back and watch your email for updates.
We hope you have a wonderful long weekend, and look forward to seeing you back next week.