ABC chooses really dynamic and interesting teachers, who are typically very active in their fields. We feel that this is a really important element in providing the best learning experience for our students – after all, if your teacher is having a great time playing music on their own, that will surely come across in lessons!
Hello, Goodbye
We are really excited to welcome our newest teachers, and wishing our old ones the best of luck on their future endeavours. Some are moving on to non-musical challenges, and some are embracing new musical challenges. Some are staying close by, and some are off to out of province and out of country opportunities!
Here are our new teachers, and who they are replacing. Just click on their names to read their biographies and to get to know them a bit before your lessons next week.
- Sebastian Buccioni, replacing Onnie Grissom (piano)
- Lisa Ribout, replacing Penny Johnson (piano)
- Jennifer Wakefield, replacing Kyra Folk-Farber, and Marta Herman (v0ice/singing)
- Christopher Cancian, replacing Peter Pinteric (clarinet)