Last Three Weeks of the Semester!
It seems like we only just begun this fun new collection of music, and that week after week we are getting more and more into it. We’re sad that it is drawing to a close.
IMPORTANT! We are short in our classes. Tuesday and Sunday both, so please feel free to come to these classes regardless of which day you are in, because we need enough children to make the classes happen!
So, here are the remaining weeks of Songs, and we look forward to seeing you there!
- Two Little Blackbirds
- Hey, Ho, Nobody Home
- Skip to my Lou
- Breezes
- Can You do what I do?
- Ladybug
- Camels
- Nothin Blues
- Joy to the World (Jeremiah was a Bullfrog – remember, you can and should play other music at home!)
- The Water is Wide
- Ten Fingers
- Old Blue
- Skip to my Lou
- Train Song
- Rain Song
- Bird Song
- Stick Dance
- Dance with Me
- Baa Baa Little Star
- Ally Bally
- I’m hiding
- Allee Galloo
- Two Little Blackbirds
- Maria Isabel
- Ten Fingers
- Train Song
- Rolling a Round Ball
- Breezes
- Nothin’ Blues
- The Water is Wide