It was lovely to meet you today! Here’s a re-cap of things to practice and explore:
-warm-ups (lip trills, mee, mah, moo 12321)
-“Lean on me” – add solfege, practice on vowel “ah”, and focus on phrasing :)

-wonderful singing with powerful expression!
-practice warm-ups: lip trills & mee-ya (1-5-1 with a slide)
-practice using your diaphragm in the challenging parts in “Almost is never enough.” You can sing with a vowel (“ah”) first and then add the words. Focus on getting a nice steady flow of air. :)

-such great listening, energy, and exploration today!
-listen to “Count on me” and “You’ve got to hide your love away” by the Beatles
-explore all sorts of different sounds on the piano and try using all your fingers, including your pinkies and thumbs :)

-great demonstration of confidence and oral training today!
-listen to “only getting better” and practice singing it on your own
-sing using your powerful voice, especially in the chorus for the “ooooooh, it’s only getting better” part

-wonderful use of head voice and phrasing today!
-warm-ups: lip trills & yaw (fake yawn) 5-1
-practice singing “One day” -long phrases and open (exaggerated) vowels to get a powerful air flow