Recommended minutes to practice: 10-15min/day
What to practice: “Somewhere over the rainbow” page 1 (verses 1 & 2)
How to practice it most effectively: hands together slowly, be careful of times when the RH moves position
Sing or hum while playing.
Recommended minutes to practice: 10-15min/day
What to practice: “Mia and Sebastien’s Theme” measures 1-8 & “Runaway Rabbit” in the red book (Level 1) pg 33 for sightreading
Recommended minutes to practice: 10-15min/day
What to practice: “Dream a little dream of me” & “Edelweiss”
How to practice it most effectively: for both, stand while singing for control and proper breath support. Practice extending phrases in “Edelweiss” and having lots of air to carry through til the end.
Recommended minutes to practice: 10min/day
What to practice:
Piano – “London symphony” full song Piano Adventures 1 pg 52 (both hands)
Voice – “My Favourite Things”
How to practice it most effectively: For “My Favourite things” focus on the chorus: when the dog bites, when the bee stings… using your diaphragm
Also listen to the recording of “Million Dreams” and practice along.
Recommended minutes to practice: 15-20min/day
What to practice: “Mia and Sebastien’s Theme” – page 2 (hands together slowly) & “Moonlight sonata” first 8 bars
How to practice it most effectively: count the beats aloud (eighth notes) and go slowly
Recommended minutes to practice: 10-15min every other day
What to practice: singing “A whole new world” & “Somewhere over the rainbow”
How to practice it most effectively: practice singing looooong notes in the chorus of “a whole new world” e.g. “a whole new woooooooooooorld”
Recommended minutes to practice: 10-15min/day
What to practice: C major scale, both hands separately & recognizing notes on the treble clef (spaces: FACE, lines: EGBDF)
Also finding all the C’s on the keyboard, using the ‘doghouse’ trick.
Recommended minutes to practice: 10-15min/day
What to practice: C major scale, both hands separately & recognizing notes on the treble clef (spaces: FACE, lines: EGBDF) and sight-reading short songs.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!