Hi Team,
As you know, I will be away from the 24th to the 2nd. There are a few things that are timely and important related to that.
These are due by midnight tonight. I need to review them and get them into your hands for distribution before I leave, so be sure they are done.
As of now, there are no registrations. If we are looking low when I return, I’ll probably cancel the recital. We shouldn’t have to do that, never have, and I am not sure why things are off to a slow start, as a number of students’ parents have been asking about it.
I will make up the cheques when I return, and they will be ready by day’s end on the 2nd. I will send a note if they are ready any sooner. If this will cause any problems, please let me know by Sunday evening. Email is best, as I have a packed schedule this weekend.
Desk Coverage
While Barn’s Away
I will not have access to phone or voicemail while I am away.
Judy will be monitoring the desk while I am away. This coverage will be limited to making sure you know about cancellations on a day-to-day basis. Re-scheduling, and any scheduling outside of cancellations will have to wait until I return.
If you think you will be sick, please take the initiative as soon as possible to call Judy at 416-802-0081. If you have counterparts on the team that can cover you, please check with them for their availability.
In case of emergency, you can call Mike at: 416-567-6512.
I’ve bought a remote doorbell that will help parents to get assistance when I am here. I often work from my desk, rather than the front desk, because people are chatty and it is hard for me not to get drawn into that, which obviously affects my ability to get things done :-) Not the world’s worst problem, but I do prefer to focus on the work for all our benefit.
When I am here, but away from the front, I will make the bell available for parents to summon me.
When I am not here, please just direct the person to call and leave a voicemail. I do attend to voicemail and return calls. Thank you.
Please let me know if you are finding it too warm in the studios. The new system is highly effective, and can be regulated on a room to room basis.
We made some changes to the website this fall which have affected our email, and therefore (for some of you) Cotap. I am working to migrate our internal email to a new system, and that should rectify any oddness. If you think your Cotap may not be working, try sending me a test message. Bear in mind I am away next week!
If there is any other important information, I will send another note before I go. You can also call me. Thanks!