
Warmups (1min ea, as fast as comfortable)
–8 on a Hand
–Single Strokes
–Double stokes
Four kinds of paradiddle: Single (LRLL..) Double (RLRLRR..) Triple (LRLRLRLL..) and Paradiddle-diddles (RLRRLL or LRLLRR)
Alfred, Solo #2: *add fourth line to your practice routine
–focus first on the notes, then we’ll add more detail together
Drumset Musician Worksheet p. 12 ex. 8-11-please print**
ACDC – Back in Black – please print the chart (click here)
–This week, work on adding the Guitar Solo and following Chorus to your playing
Basics of grip, playing position, identifying middle C, C Major Scale


Warmups (1min/ea)
–Triplet Exercise (Goal tempo=120)
–Sixteenth-note exercise (goal tempo=100)
–Stick Control: ex. 57-64 (160bpm
Joel Rothman Book: Lesson 16
**1/8 note triplets with rests on the downbeat
**Hand ex. 7-8
**Rock beats 9-12
New Song: Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy
***I’ll scan and upload this tonight — please print***


Warmups (30sec/ea, as fast as comfortable)
–8 on a hand
–Singles, Doubles, and Paradiddles
–Roll exercise
Alfred Book: Lesson 5 combination study
Xylophone: The musical alphabet; finding “C”; the C-major scale; Mary Had A Little Lamb


–Triplet Exercise (1mm RH; 2mm LH) for 1 minute goal tempo=90 **wrist strokes!
–Stick Control: p.11 #1-2
–**Double-stroke progression: Natural rebound–>”pick it up” after 2 bounces–>drags/ruffs–>double-strokes
–Flams, Flam accents (careful that the LH flam doesn’t get reversed!), Flam Taps
***New Song*** No One Knows by Queens of the Stone Age (please print – I’ll upload it tonight)
–This week, just work on the main beat to the song (2-beat)
–Get the song in your ear: listen to the song, pay attention to what the drums are doing


Warmups (30sec/ea):
–8 on a hand exercise
–Single Stroke Roll (L-R-L-R….) playing smooth, even, controlled strokes
–Double Stroke Roll (L-L-R-R…)
–**Paradiddles (L-R-L-L R-L-R-R…)
AC/DC: Back in Black**everything until the end of the guitar solo (2:32ish)
–Pay attention to the extra crashes
— “+ 3 … + 1” crashes


Pad Exercises (1min/ea):
–Triplet Exercise (goal tempo=135)
–Sixteenth-note exercise (goal tempo=110)
–Roll Exercises (90bpm)
–Flams, Flam Accents, Flam Taps
–Rhythm exercise 40bpm
Syncopation p. 38 COMPLETE***polish off this week
***New Song*** Spanish Joint by D’Angelo: main groove and fill


20240116 Tuesday
Warmups (30sec/ea., find goal speed):
–8 on a hand (140bpm)
–Singles (sixteenths at 140bpm)
–doubles (eighths at 160)
–Paradiddles (eighths at 160)
Drumset Musician p11 ex 1-7 a) and 1-7 b) **
–BONUS: go on to 8-15 a) on the next page
AC/DC: Back in Black–play til end of 2nd chorus** Two new details:
–add an extra SD note to the fill before each chorus
–Add in “3+4+” bass drums before “Back In Black” crashes
–Feel free to print the chart (click here)