Hope everyone is staying warm and dry in this snow!
– Recommended practice time: 15-20 min/day, 5 days/week
– Practice: A Major Scale, D Major Scale, Twinkle Twinkle theme and variations A, B, and C. Practice the Twinkle theme with long bows and try to play in front of a mirror to watch for your posture. For your posture, pay attention to your right hand thumb curve and your left arm; make sure your left elbow isn’t pointing too far back, but is instead resting comfortably by your side. Twinkle variation B is a tricky one rhythmically! Sing it out loud first, and then add the fingering while singing, fingering while plucking, and then playing it out right.
– Recommended practice time: 30 min/day, 5 days/week
– Practice: C Major, D Major, and G Major 2-octave scales, Storm, and Beethoven Themes. Your test is over but it is still important to keep practicing scales so we don’t forget them! For Storm, remember to practice saving your bow on the long notes and to start each upbeat with an up bow. For both latter pieces, remind yourself to watch the intonation of your second finger – is my hand in a 1-2 position or 2-3 position?
Thank you and happy playing!