Hello, everyone! Great work this week. Try to take advantage of your days off school and squeeze in some practice time!
– Reminder: Bring your Suzuki book to your lesson next time
– Recommended practice time: 15-20 min/day, 5 days/week
– Practice: A Major scale and D Major scale, Twinkle theme and variations A-E. Now that you’re comfortable with A Major scale, use the scale to focus more on your bow hand and posture, now that you don’t have to focus as much on the notes. For Twinkle theme and variations, remain steady and keep the rhythms precise. Chanting or singing the rhythms first before playing can really help. And, if you’d like, look at the next song of the book, Lightly Row! We will start looking at this next time. You can try playing it and/or look up the song on YouTube.
– Recommended practice time: 30 min/day, 5 days/week
– Practice: G, C, and D Major scales (2 octaves) and arpeggios. I know your scales test is over but you should keep practicing so you don’t forget! Pay close attention to your shifting and intonation. Next time, we will keep practicing our sight reading and trying to find a good solo piece for you. If you can, try to practice sight reading on your own! You can ask to borrow a friend’s music, or maybe look up the melody to your favorite song and see if you can play it.
Thank you and happy practicing!