Hi Team!
We are closing in on the last regular day of teaching.
I will start on cheques as soon as all checkouts are complete for the month (Jay and Leslie both have regular lessons during the M/U week, so don’t miss those), and recommend you drop me an email when they are done, but no sooner than the 24th. See below if you are a teacher that is leaving.
Make-up Updates
Please be sure you are checking your m/u schedules daily, particularly in the days leading up to the teaching days themselves. I am updating them daily.
Teachers that are leaving
Firstly, thank you for your contributions to our community. What we do, we can only do together. I hope your new endeavours are joyful ones.
Keys & Cheques
You will find an envelope in your box (whether you are leaving in June or August) which is important. You should write the address on the front of it that you would like your final cheque mailed to, put your key in it, and then leave it on the front desk in front of the computer monitors. Once I have your keys back, I will send out your cheques. The best time to do this is on your last teaching day.
Mail Boxes
All teachers should clean out their boxes. Certificates and reports that have not been handed out should be left at the desk.
Preferred Books & Materials Going Online for Home Delivery
I will be requiring all teachers to submit their preferred books that they use in lessons by the end of July. We will be adding your preferred texts/method books to your teacher pages to enable parents to buy these directly (Amazon/Indigo) to their homes, to save both you and them the time of going to the store.
Thanks very much!