
Formula Pattern in G Major

Sonatina by Clementi – hands together practice for the week. Be very precise with what is legato and what is not. Look for sequences and for recognizable scales.


Slam Dunk – really good reading! Keep increasing the tempo if you find consistent success hands together.


Today we filled out your worksheet about treble clef DEF. Then we learnt what the B directly beneath middle C looks like on the staff.

Magic Wand worksheet

Barber of Seville – this piece combines notes that say what they are, and normal, but you can handle either! Have fun with this this week, I expect to hear it next week.


Happy Grasshopper – one more week of hands separate spot practicing.

Maple Leaf Rag – more RH by itself practice.

*New* Gavotte – Notice the 2 beat pickup. All the phrases have this, and I’ve marked in the phrasing.

Technique – great work getting the arpeggios going, they sound smooth and awesome. Now let’s focus on the scales and triads in those keys.


Zum Gali Gali – yippee! In the last line of the first page, you are playing the main beats and Danny is popping in between them.

Visiting Hour – all. Keep going through to the end of the piece. It might be easy at this tempo, but once you consistently can play it hands together no mistakes, increase the tempo!

Totoro – 7 lines. Great rhythms in the RH. Keep plugging away with the LH, you’re doing it right. I think you should work to put the first 4 measures of music hands together.

Chromatic scale – this is a “scale” that plays every note on the keyboard. Play it with both hands. We want to use finger 3 on every black key, and thumb for almost every white key. On notes like EF and BC, use fingers 2 and 1 but in the order that they are on your hand. For example: RH going up E F F# would be 123. It would be the same going down too.


Entree in A Minor – nice work! Rather than playing beginning to end, pick 2 bars and work to connect them without any pause in between, then repeat. Once that is fluent, choose another 2 bars.

*New* Breezy – this is an invention so it passes phrases back and forth between hands. I would practice it hands separate as in play whichever hand has the melody (like R, then L, then R).

Passionfruit – be sure you know between which notes/lyric the chord changes fall.


Breezy – there are 2 main melodic phrases in this piece, I labelled them A and B. I would practice it hands separate as in play whichever hand has the melody (like R, then L, then R).

Formula Pattern – this scale pattern combines same direction and opposite direction. The graphic below shows the two halves of the sunglasses I drew for you. It is totally fine to start playing this by stopping and resetting your fingering at each octave, but build good fingering habits so it can soon be played without pause.


Andante – nice work! Just add in the RH A’s I circled and add in some more hands together work and you’ve got this! I drew some parallel lines to show you when the hands move together.

New Shoes – LH melody so it should not be drowned out by loud RH chords. There are lots of “ledger lines” used here below the treble clef. Keep in mind that when the treble clef goes below C, it is literally just rewriting bass clef notes floating above the staff. Practice hands separate for several days.