Hello Everybody!
We may have had a strange year so far, but that hasn’t stopped the summer season from being typically short! Here are some important notes that you should, well, take note of!
Lessons Begin Tuesday, September 8th
Your lessons start right after Labour Day, on your regular day and time. Not sure what that is? Log in to your account to see, or call the office at 416-651-7529 now.
Note the Zoom Meeting ID changes
We are your Zoom meeting numbers.
Your meeting ID will change as of September 8th, from a Teacher-based one, to a Studio-based one. This means that we’ll have digital studios for each day of the week, and that teachers will be in their ‘studio’ on the days that they teach.
Note that if you need or request a Home-On-Demand lesson this year (if we are back in person), you will need to use the virtual studio meeting ID for your teacher to access your lesson. If you are not sure what the Home-On-Demand program is about, you may have missed our email about the COVID Restart Plan – please read it now! All lessons remain digital through December 2020 at this time.
We’ve created a simple chart for you to find your virtual studio details. Call the office for a password to access this on our new lesson & class family login page.
The meeting id will be listed in line with your teacher, on your regular lesson day.
If any of this is confusing, please call the office at 416-651-7529.
Download & Print the Annual Schedule
Be sure to put this up on a fridge or cork board so you know when we have holidays, make-up weeks, the planned recital, etc.
We recommend highlighting the day or days that you have lessons for the full school year, so you can find this information at a glance.
Policy Changes to Deal with Public Health Situations
Please visit our Policies & Procedures page to review the new Public Health Safety Protocol.
This outlines how ABC will handle future instances such as the one we have been dealing with in the face of a viral pandemic, or similar event.