Hi Team,

A few notes for you.


These should be done by tonight.  Cheques will be issued tomorrow.

Checkouts for December should be done by Sunday, the 14th of December, and will be issued on the 15th (if all goes according to plan).  If you miss this opportunity, then the next issue will be in early January.


I will be announcing your email availability to parents this week.  I remind you that sending emails to your students must be done via the outgoing gmail account.  Do not answer from your own email address.  It is very important that we maintain schedule accountability at the desk, and to protect your discussion from misinterpretation on school policy matters.

Emails opened by teachers

We just ran the statistics for emails opened by teachers since the beginning of the school year.  The average number is 66%, which is not good.  This has been added to the review process, which becomes active tomorrow.  The highest percentage open rate goes to Brenna at 95% (Well Done!), and the lowest – at 5% – is Hewhomustnotbename.  Your target open rate should be 100%, and no lower than 90%.  These are important, and I try not to be too wordy.


We have few students registered, and will be reminding them of this tonight.  Please be sure to indicate your availability for a time slot, if you can come.  Beyond that, please actively ask your students/parents about registering this week.  I would like to close registration by the 10th (Wed).  Thanks!


The iPad is still available, but we will be sending the offer out to our parents/students tonight, so please call in now if you want it ($350).


You should complete your reviews by the 14th of December.  Visit the Teachers Only page, or go directly to the Review Entry.


