Hello TFS Families!
We hope your year is off to a good start!
Lessons resume today (September 7th), and you should be receiving your reminders from our scheduling system 2 days before your lessons.
Some Lessons Paused
If you received a phone call about this we’ll be getting those lessons up and running as soon as possible. You will be credited in the following month for any lessons missed. For now, the following lessons are paused:
- Vocal with Cynthia – Thursdays
- Low Brass with Denise – Thursdays
- Clarinet & Sax with Ben – Tuesdays
- Piano & Oboe with Abigail – Tuesdays
If you are with any of these teachers, your lessons are paused.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the office at 416-651-7529.
On-Site Days
Barnaby will be on-site September 7th and 11th, from 4-5:30 p.m. to meet you, and answer questions at the Senior School, near the Student Commons or MPR.