Hello Everyone!
Here you will find your homework each week. I will also suggest how long to practice and provide a few helpful hints to get you prepped for the following week. This will provide you with some guidelines to allow your child to progress. Good luck practicing and have fun!
Recommended daily practice time is 15-20 minutes per day
This week we will continue to work on Merrily we roll along, Largo and Here’s a happy song. Be sure to repeat these songs until they are comfortable. We will continue with the following songs next week.
How parents can help: Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!
Recommended daily practice time is 8-10 minutes per day
- Today we learned about family numbers. Each letter on the piano has a number that goes along with it. Today we talked about the C’s. C1, C2, C3…Etc
- Continue to review Groups of 2 go down to C and Groups of 3 go down to F.
- Practice finding all the letter names on the piano
- We also talked about beats and learned the whole note. The whole note has 4 beats and we count it 1+2+3+4+.
- Whenever you listen to music this week practice clapping whole notes. Try counting along.
This week we learned ode to joy! You can use the handout to help you play this one. Remember you start with finger one on C4. You can continue playing Mary had a little lamb and hot cross buns.
How parents can help: Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!
Recommended daily practice time is 8-10 minutes per day
- Continue to review groups of 2 go down to c and groups of 3 go down to F.
- We learned about family numbers. Each letter has a number that goes along with it. This week we talked about C’s. C1, C2, C3, C4…etc. Try and find all the C’s on the piano.
- We also found all the letters on the piano. You can practice finding them by playing the game we did in our lesson. See how fast you can get at finding the letters.
This week we learned Ode to Joy. You can use the handout provided to help you with this song. Continue to work on Mary had a little lamb as well as Hot cross buns.
How parents can help: Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!
Recommended daily practice time is 5-10 minutes per day
- Continue to review groups of 2 go down to c and groups of 3 go down to F.
- We learned about family numbers. Each letter has a number that goes along with it. This week we talked about C’s. C1, C2, C3, C4…etc. Try and find all the C’s on the piano.
- We also found all the letters on the piano. You can practice finding them by playing the game we did in our lesson. See how fast you can get at finding the letters.
We didn’t get to Ode to Joy but you can still try it out. You can use the handout provided to help you with this song. Continue to work on Mary had a little lamb as well as Hot cross buns.
How parents can help: Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!
Recommended daily practice time is 5-10 minutes per day
We will continue to work on Cinderella’s Waltz. Remember to focus on systems 2 and 4. We will also be continuing with Ludwig’s Accents. Be sure to take your time and count out loud while you play. Keep it up Julian.
How parents can help: Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!
Recommended daily practice time is 25-30 minutes per day
F# natural and Harmonic scale 2 octaves
This week you can continue on Minuet in a minor, Cranky Cat, Waltz and Red Satin Jazz. Continue to challenge yourself to use the metronome with these songs. Try left hand and right hand apart and play with the metronome.
How parents can help: Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!
Recommended daily practice time is 25-30 minutes per day
This week you can work on B Major scale. This one has 5 #’s. F,C,G,D,A.
Red Satin Jazz- This week have it memorized. Minuet in A minor – challenge yourself to come up with a story that goes along with the piece. Get creative! Swinging leprechaun – Use the story you created to help your phrasing and dynamics. Really picture the images in your head!
How parents can help: Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!