Recommended minutes to practice: 5 minutes a day
What to practice: Keep working on You Are My Sunshine, we’re so close to getting the whole thing! Also we started the kookaburra song, the ending for that is tricky so we’ll work on that part. If you could try and play your G chord that would be amazing, I know it’s hard but I know you can get it.
How to practice it most effectively: Song along while you play you are my sunshine and try to play it the exact same way every time. For the G chord, you’ll have to have patience and just keep making the chord shape over and over again. Repetition is key!
How parents can help: Make sure that Katarina actually sits down and works on the assigned work, especially if you know how to play the G chord on ukulele you could help Katarina get that down pat.
Recommended minutes to practice: 10 minutes a day
What to practice: Make sure you print out the sheet for Country Roads so we can go over that in more detail. Secondly, keep practicing You Are My Sunshine, you have the whole thing down and I want you to memorize it. Lastly, keep going over C major and play it in thirds.
How to practice it most effectively: Once you have the sheet for Country Roads you can play along with the recording, this will help you get the song down. It’s more important to listen to the tract than read the sheet music.
Recommended minutes to practice: 15 minutes a day
What to practice: Keep working on Black Dog, it’s sounding really good. Try a couple of those hammer on and pull off exercises we went over, this will be helpful when we play more of the wish you were here solo. Memorize the 4 chords, C, Am, D, and G. We need these if we want to play the rest of wish you were here.
How to practice it most effectively: Practice switching between these chords slowly with a metronome, make the chord then let 4 beats go and in that time switch to the next chord, you can cycle between just two or all 4.
Recommended minutes to practice: 15 minutes a day
What to practice: Keep working on seven nation army with those power chords, we did a little bit of practicing in the lesson, just switching power chords between two frets, do that exercise and then try playing all of seven nation army. Practice Home by Edward Sharpe, this will help with right hand technique. Also keep working on Black Dog!! It sounds so good!
How to practice it most effectively: Practice the power chords slowly, and maybe slow down the youtube video so you can practice slowly. Also play along with Home, this will help your rhythm.
Recommended minutes to practice: 20 minutes a day
What to practice: Keep working on the Fly Me To The Moon melody and play it in both octaves. Keep going with the triads, they get better every time I hear them. Also learnt he melody for House of The Rising Sun, and we will also keep working on Don’t Stop Me Now.
How to practice it most effectively: Obviously playing along with House of The Rising Sun and Fly Me To The Moon will help a lot, secondly you could record yourself on your phone and listen back and ask yourself what you need to fix.