Recommended minutes to practice: 5 minutes a day
What to practice: Practice our new song, You Are My Sunshine. I also would really love it if you could focus on the G chord for next week. We’ve been working on it for a little while now and I think it’s the next step in your playing because that chords is used a lot in popular songs.
How to practice it most effectively: Sing along while you play you are my sunshine, you have a really good ear and signing along will develop it. Also try the melody on some different strings and remember just have fun!
How parents can help: Katarina needs some help focusing so just sitting down with her for 5 minutes and asking to hear the songs she knows would be a big help.
Recommended minutes to practice: 15 minutes a day
What to practice: Practice the chords to Good 4 u. As well as work on melody for country roads and your C major scale.
How to practice it most effectively: Practice the C major scale slowly and if you can with a metronome. If you can play along with Country Roads.
recommended minutes to practice: 15 minutes a day
What to practice: Work on the hammer ons and pull offs in Black Dog to get the whole thing sounding smoother. Try to memorize the chords needed for Wish You Were Here so you don’t have to look at them in the book. Practice the strumming pattern switching between Am and Em.
How to practice it most effectively: Work through everything slowly. When it comes to memorizing chords repetition is key, so try to do one a day and refresh yourself on the ones from the previous day.
recommended minutes to practice: 15 minutes a day
What to practice: Work on the first half of black dog, I think it’s really coming together. Also play through seven nation army with power chords.
How to practice it most effectively: For the power chord do this really slowly and don’t apply as much pressure with your hand, it’s less than you think.
Recommended minutes to practice: 15 minutes a day
What to practice: Work on memorizing those Fly Me To The Moon chords and learn the melody is second position. Also learn the House of The Rising Sun melody is second position, I will try to challenge your ears more in lesson because I think you have strong ears.
How to practice it most effectively: The biggest thing I want you to focus on while practicing is being accurate, you know what notes to play but it’s sloppy so I want you to play everything slowly and focus on getting a good tone and playing accurately.