Hello all,
Here is this week’s homework:
Continue to work on Aura Lee in your Hal Leonard Guitar Book. This week we looked at this song and split the phrases up into sections: A1, A2, B and C. Each of these sections are four bars. When working on this song, focus on one section at a time in order to get the notes more familiar and to stay focused with a specific section of the song. Slowly work towards piecing sections together.
This week, we continued to look at the chord progressions in your Hal Leonard Guitar Book. Try focusing on the chord progressions that include the G chord (Progressions 3 and 4). Remember to practice these chords slowly and that you can really dig into the two chord progressions. Try and get creative with how you play them and over time, try to put progressions together to create 4, 6 and 8 chord progressions.
Thanks everyone and have a good week! Practice hard!