Hi Cornerstone students!

Here is the homework for this week! If you do not have a shoulder rest yet please buy one for next week!


Grade One

Please work again on Twinkle Twinkle. Please work on clarity of sound and intonation.

Grade Two

Please perfect Lightly Row. Watch the half notes and the tuning of your second finger (c#).

Grade 3

We are beginning Minuet #1 in Suzuki Book. Please look carefully at the notes and practice the rhythms for this week.

Grade 4 Intermediate group

Please look at all the bowing for Musette. We will continue individual work on Thursday.

Grade 456 Advanced Group

Please look at all the bowings for both Minuets. If you are ready you can begin the mordants and grace notes. We will continue individual work on Thursday.


Grade 7-12 Senoir Group

Please review all the notes and rhythms for Winter by Vivaldi. Please watch your intonation especially the melody group. Pizzicato group still needs to learn the notes a little more.


Please remember to to practice everyday and do not forget to bring your violins!

