Grades 4-6
If you have or want to participate in the talent show please sign up and come present your solo piece to me as soon as possible.
What we did this week:
We learned the B major arpeggio in triplets and with slurs. We also learned the Variation #1 from Long Long Ago.
What did we listen to or watch, that you can watch at home?
We listened to a live performance of Variation #1 and a demonstration of the bowing patterns. We also listened to live examples of B major scale.
What work is to be done this weekend:
Please work on the bowing slurred and staccato patterns for Variation #1 and work on your intonation for the B major scale. Please if you do not have Suzuki Book Volume Two you must purchase it by this weekend.
What are we doing next week?
Next week we will be running through the Theme and Variation #1. We will introduce the two octave B minor melodic scale. It is imperative at that point to be playing from the Suzuki Book.
How much time should your student be practicing each day?
Let’s keep aiming for 30 minutes of concentrated practice time! Please keep paying attention to posture and bow grip while performing difficult pieces of music.
How can you help your child?
Please try to practice with your child. Please let them make their mistakes and let them run through pieces. Please ensure your child have all the necessary equipment to maximize their experience in class especially the Suzuki Book Volume Two.