Hi Everyone,
Here are your assignments for this week:
Recommended minutes to practice: 10 min/day
What to practice: Penatonic + Major Scale Positions
How to practice it most effectively: Say the letter names as you play through these scale positions up and down the neck.
Recommended minutes to practice: 10 min/day
What to practice: Maps
How to practice it most effectively: Use a metronome, one note per click at 80 is a good speed to start with, see if you can go faster and slower as well. Get started with Hal Leonard Bass Method Vol 1 as well if you have a chance to pick it up this week.
Recommended minutes to practice: 10 min/day
What to practice: Mary Had A Little Lamb
How to practice it most effectively: Play through what you know so far!
How parents can support practice: Encourage Yasmim to pick up the guitar and play once a day.
Recommended minutes to practice: 15-30 min/day
What to practice: Californication
How to practice it most effectively: 1. Count the Rhythms 2. Count and Clap 3. Count and play on guitar ***Also look at note names in open position on guitar and on the staff
How parents can support practice: Encourage Maurya to continue picking up the guitar and taking a look at his lesson materials.
Have a good week everyone!