Doing really well, boys, despite a long absence from piano and allergies!! Good work ethics!!
WOW, WOW, WOW, WOOOWW!!!! 5 stars for you, young sir!! Remember to maintain HIGH wrists, playing on fingertips (hands like CLAWS), including your pinky fingers(!!!) when playing a rhythmic piece. For lyrical pieces you caress the keys, first making contact on the pads of your fingers, then rolling to their tips in a circular motion as your body sways to a side-ways figure 8 motion. Bring a notebook for me to write specific notes on each piece from now on!! Also, think about a 45-minute lesson for the summer and fall.
As per the comment for Ahaan above ~ “Remember to maintain HIGH wrists, playing on fingertips (hands like CLAWS), including your pinky fingers(!!!) when playing a rhythmic piece. For lyrical pieces you caress the keys, first making contact on the pads of your fingers, then rolling to their tips in a circular motion as your body sways to a side-ways figure 8 motion.” ~ The same applies to you, Mazin! Also, remember, the quicker you come off staccatos, the more exciting they sound.
You were quite tired, suffering from allergies, today, but you still gave an effort!! Ask your dad to help you with ‘Aunt Rhody’, this may reinforce what I said about triads and READING (eyes on music, anticipating the next L.H. chord change). And, the above comment for Ahaan applies to you, too! ~ “Remember to maintain HIGH wrists, playing on fingertips (hands like CLAWS), including your pinky fingers(!!!) when playing a rhythmic piece. For lyrical pieces you caress the keys, first making contact on the pads of your fingers, then rolling to their tips in a circular motion as your body sways to a side-ways figure 8 motion.”