Great lessons today, folks! Practice + Perseverance = Performance!!!
Your music reading abilities are improving! Perhaps your first recital will be the one coming up in six weeks? Keep it up!
Bring ‘Cindy’ next week!!! That’s a great song you wrote. Also, this upcoming recital will be your first! We will improvise together as a duet, so remember to sit at the piano with proper alignment (your hands and fingers, too!) while you experiment, using ALL of your fingers, using the black keys, too, all the while TELLING AN INTERESTING STORY!
This will be your second recital! Your music reading abilities are better than you think. A musician has to learn to trust their abilities while it may seem like they’re taking risks/trying something new. Excited to watch your progress!
Cruella for the recital, or some new piece in your lesson book? Maybe another duet? You’re another shining star.
Bonga, bonga, you’re just breezing through that book! You’ll play for the recital, too? Remember to LIFT those fingers HIGH off the keys after playing notes!