Hello Ezra, Elora, Isobel, and Ewan,

good to see some progression. Here are the assignments until we meet next week:

Ezra- Keep practice the single, double, and paradiddle rudiments. We learned variations of drum fill by using those techniques. Practice slowly and accuracy. Aim 30 minute daily.

Elora- Hope you feel better and keep practice the last material.

Isobel- We learned double kick technique today. Please count while you’re practicing and remember the motion of your right foot. The first kick is hill and the second kick must be grounded. Practice slwoly! In addition, help your brother, Ewan, with the stroke. It will also helpful you to study yourself as well. Aim 30 min daily.

Ewan- Good to see some progression, but you need to still work on left hand stroke. Remember that you MUST use the wrist of your hand, not arms. Your sister, Isobel, could help you and give you tips. I know that it is hard, but you will get use to it. Practice slowly and this makes everything perfect. Aim 30 min. daily.


Happy Practice~