Awesome, tidily-boo-haa, guys! Great job today and this week, guys!
Great playing and progress, my boy! Remember, once a note is flat (b) or sharp (#) in a bar, that same note is still flat or sharp if it occurs again in that bar (though the flat or sharp sign is not in front of it). Practice H.S. and in slow motion for sections that are causing you difficulty. You can figure it out!
Getting a handle on/understanding of the extreme importance of making the piece’s melody at all times (every melodic note)! And, secondarily, the bass notes!
Step by step, your piano-playing and understanding keeps improving! Practicing in slow motion, feeling the rhythm and keeping your eyes on the page works!
You have no excuses, my dear, but to now practice with YouTube like I showed you, using the music I wrote out as reference. Get to it!!!