
You’re very quick to learn pieces! Keep working on your new pieces “Li’l Liza Jane” and “C’s Rock”. For “Li’l Liza Jane”, it’s much better than last week – just remember the difference between quarter notes (1 beat), half notes (2 beats) and dotted half notes (3 beats) in the right hand. Also, if you get confused about some parts in the left hand, or even the right hand, remember to look up at the music to see what you need to play. The answer is always right in front of you!


In “The Whirlwind”, keep working for these three goals: 1) work on the transition into the second part of the piece; 2) prepare your foot to pedal at the end; remember to play the note first and pedal after! and 3) don’t speed up and slow down when you’re doing the crescendos and decrescendos. I still want bigger crescendos and decrescendos so there is a big difference between forte and piano. I also want you to prepare “The Planets” for next week. Practice without pedal first, then you can add it in once the notes are comfortable. Can’t wait to hear it next week!


I was sad to hear you were sick! Your assignment is to get well soon :)


Review the melodic intervals on page 4 and page 6. Remember the difference between step and skip! (Steps are 2nd, and Skips are 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc). I would also like you to prepare the two songs, “Join the Fun” and “Oom Papa”. Remember to use the correct finger for each note – this will make it much easier for you to play and read music. If you are having some difficulties with both hands, practice just one hand at a time first then put the hands together later. Also, if you forget how to read the notes, you can check the chart on page 12 (in G Position Review). In “Join the Fun”, think about what melodic intervals (2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th) your left hand is playing.


I would like you to remove the melodic intervals on page 4 and 6 as well – remember the difference between step and skip (Steps are 2nd, skips are 34d, 4th, 5th, etc.) The pieces I want you to prepare for next week are “The Cuckoo”, “Money Can’t Buy Everything”, and “When the Saints Go Marching In”. One way to practice is hands separately first – for example, in “The Cuckoo”, play the right hand first, then the left hand, then put the hands together. Think about what interval your left hand is playing. In “Money Can’t Buy Everything”, don’t forget about the F#s and D#s.