Hi Rockers,
We’ve been asked by the Forest Hill Parents to perform in two half-hour sets separated by half-hour, so we will do so at 4:15, and 5:15, finishing at 5:45.
Remember, you need to bring your own stand – and likely clothes-pegs or a special outdoor music clip – to prevent against wind.
Also – when you arrive, find your colleagues and decide on the order of your music, and then move through the selections quickly and efficiently. We lost a lot of time on Saturday due to these two factors. It is your performance, so you’ll need to be at your most prepared to get everything done! Another thing to be aware of is how this looks to your audience. Noodling around on your instrument, or chatting together on stage is not what they are there to see you do – they want the Rock and Roll!
Regretfully it rained on Saturday at Rawlinson, and we chose to not play for safety concerns with lightning and electrocution from the equipment. We hope to avoid this situation on Wednesday.
Thanks and see you soon!