Hi Team,
Some new things for your information.
M/Us are about 50% confirmed, and I will update the confirmations (and declines) tomorrow in your live schedules. Be sure to check them. M/Us start on Monday.
Sound baffles have arrived for the basement and basement doors. We will start to firm up a more regular schedule for the spaces down there over the coming weeks as we test their effectiveness, and determine if we need more.
New SoW cards are in. These feature an updated design and functionality.
Here are the key differences:
- Larger size
- Un-coated back, so regular pens can be used (no need for Sharpies, or subsequent smudging of print or postage)
- Social Media posting.
These three things are very helpful in our efforts to boost engagement and self-confidence. The social media part is going to be important, because we will be putting up the students each day who receive these. You can check for Vivienne L’s inaugural post online now. The imagery is basically the same. The goal with this is to get other friends of our students interested in what they are doing/sharing, and leading to new students. So, now, more than ever, writing these becomes an extremely important part of our effort. They are in the teachers’ station, and ready to go!
Thanks, and more soon,