How music stimulates nearly every area of children’s brain

Do you ever wonder how to stimulate your baby’s or toddler’s brains and development? Check out this well informed advice, plus easy and affordable ways to reach that goal! Music has the incredible power to transcend language and culture, speaking to our souls in a way that words often cannot. For toddlers, this universal language of rhythm and melody holds [...]

2023-12-15T20:02:14-05:00April 19th, 2024|

How music might reduce stress and tension in teenagers?

Teenagers today face a myriad (countless) of stressors that can take a toll on their mental and emotional well-being. Academic pressures, social challenges, the constant influx of information through digital devices, and other facts can contribute to heightened stress and tension in adolescents. In this blog post, you will explore how music, specifically through music lessons, can be a powerful [...]

2024-01-03T23:12:47-05:00April 5th, 2024|

Improve Pre-Literacy and Pre-Numeracy Skills Through Music

How to improve kids pre-literacy and pre-numeracy skills? Early childhood is a critical time for developing fundamental skills that lay the foundation for future learning. Pre-literacy and pre-numeracy skills are vital components of a child's cognitive development, and incorporating music-related activities, and music classes into their daily routine can make the learning process not only educational but also incredibly enjoyable.  [...]

2023-12-13T14:18:17-05:00March 22nd, 2024|

Music, the secret ingredient for a happy child

How to make your kids happier? Is there a secret ingredient to reach that goal?  Children are the most precious members of our society, and ensuring their well-being and happiness is a responsibility we all share. While love and respect form the foundation of a child's emotional development, it's equally important to provide them with nourishing food and the uplifting [...]

2024-01-02T11:59:02-05:00March 8th, 2024|

The Therapeutic Power of Music

Wondering about the benefits of music? In a fast-paced world filled with responsibilities and stress, finding avenues for joy and relaxation is magical and it is essential for personal well-being. Making music can be a powerful therapeutically source of both. This article explores how adult music lessons can serve you as a gateway to rediscovering the joys of life and [...]

2023-12-11T12:00:06-05:00February 23rd, 2024|

Music lessons, an astonishing influence on teenager’s health and well-being

How music influence teenager's health and well-being? Music has been a fundamental part of human culture for centuries. It has the power to evoke emotions, soothe the soul, and bring people together.  Did you know that music lessons can also have a profound impact on adolescent's health and well-being? In recent years, numerous studies have shown that drums, piano, guitar, [...]

2023-12-04T17:45:50-05:00February 9th, 2024|

How Music Lessons for Kids Boost Social Skills

Music boost children's social skills and it's a universal language that has the power to connect people, evoke emotions, and foster creativity. While the benefits of music education are well-documented, one often overlooked aspect is its impact on social skills, especially when it comes to children. In this blog post, we'll explore how music lessons for kids can significantly enhance [...]

2023-12-13T14:25:29-05:00December 15th, 2023|

Learning an Instrument as an Adult

“I’m too old” ”I don’t have enough time” ”It’s too difficult” ”I can’t afford it” “I don’t have any musical talent” These are probably the five most common reasons we hear from people who tell us they’re unable to learn a new instrument as an adult.  However, anyone, regardless of age or skill level can learn to play an instrument [...]

2021-08-25T12:38:09-04:00September 21st, 2021|

Three Things We Learned About Impactful Online Learning During Covid-19

As the demand for quality online music education is growing, we have been rising to meet it. We offer high-quality courses and world-class instructors that are technologically forward and seek to deliver the best experience. Here are the three biggest take-aways and learnings from the Pandemic for us: Online Private Music Lessons Are About 90% as Good as In-Person Learning [...]

2021-08-25T12:37:14-04:00September 14th, 2021|
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