Warm Up: Review “Deep breathing” and “Cartwheels.” Add “Deep Knee Bend.”
Practice “Question-Answer” hands separately and counting out loud. Then, put your hands together! Count with “one and two and three and four and” so that the eighth notes and quarter notes are even.
Take a look at “Oriental Song” hands separately.
Warm Up: Review “Rolling” and work on “Skipping” exercise.
Review the pieces “Frogs on Logs” and “Let’s Play Ball.” Make sure to always watch the notes and make sure you’re playing the right ones!
Take a look at “Petite Minuet.”
Take a look at these phrases to help remember the treble and bass clef lines and spaces! This will help you read the notes in your pieces quicker.
Treble Clef lines: Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge
Treble Clef spaces: FACE
Bass Clef lines: Grandma Boogies Down Fifth Avenue
Bass Clef Spaces: All Cows Eat Grass
Warm Up: Double thirds ascending and descending, legato and staccato. Focus on descending, both legato and staccato. Work on A melodic minor formula pattern.
March in D: Practice second section with a metronome to get the eighth note passages the same speed as the rest of the piece (so that you don’t slow down during these eighth note passages). You can use a slower metronome speed if you need to.
The Avalanche: Work on bars 11-16 and 25a-32a. Make sure the transition between the eighth note passage and the chords in these bars are seamless and without hesitation!
Prayer: Experiment with different pedalling. Maybe in some bars, you don’t need to change your pedal at every chord change. Find what you feel works best and showcase your work!
Hakuna Matata: review pages 1-2 and get them really comfortable. Count out loud and practice hands separately before putting them together.
Warm Up: “My C Scale” in both hands by memory!
Practice the songs “Eensie Weensie Spider” and “Graduation Party.” Always pay attention to which clef the notes are being played in. That will determine which hand plays which note and where on the keyboard it’s played!
As a reminder, treble clef is notes above middle C and is played by the right hand. Bass clef is notes below middle C and is played by the left hand.