
Bee – You do such a good job of keeping the beat in your brain when playing the RH melody, now just play your LH on each beat, like a metronome. I drew vertical lines to show you where all the LH quarter notes fall.

Zum Gali Gali – Great work. Look to the page to confirm notes in the legato sections.

*New* Scary Swing – The key signature makes all Bs and Es flat. The 16th notes span an octave range, do not try and just stretch your hand, but instead pivot at the wrist like your fingers are a radar scanner. Once your thumb has played, let it go and pivot your wrist to help out your thumb. I labelled the chords, if it has a minus sign it’ll sound minor, plus sign will sound major.


First Loss – watch the F#s. The LH only has 3 different positions, all of which go root-5th-octave. Great reading today.


*New* Forest DrumListen to it here. This piece introduces the concept of a half rest = one symbol that means two beats of rest. The intro to this piece goes “play , play , rest , rest”, creating the Drum effect. Both hands are in D minor position. Don’t move your RH from this position and let the finger nungers guide you in playing this melody. At the top of page 2, the LH shifts down to C position and back up (the paper says Shift when this happens).

Continue to practice your C major contrary motion scale, and your G major scale. Remember, same standard fingering, just with F# instead of F.