Have a wonderful long weekend everyone:) Enjoy time with family.


Bugle Boys – this is the final piece in this primer book!!! Congratulations! This piece only uses C E and G notes. For the rests (the squiggly looking symbols) make sure you remove your hands from the keys so that that heat is silent.

C major triad solid. Today in the lesson we used Lego pieces to visualize how triad inversions worked. Invert is to flip something upside down, and this is seen by the bottom note of each triad going to the top for the next one. The notes will always be CEG, just in different orders. CEG then EGC then GCE, then back to CEG again. Use fingers 135 or 125 for all of them, whatever is comfiest for you. Practice them solid (press all 3 notes down at once) and with both hands separately. If you need a visual, the first example in this video is what you’re doing.


Dancing Scales – this piece you’ll notice uses staccato scales, but they’re not major scales that always start on the root, so read carefully. Staccato should feel light and detached but without tension in your hand, think of scratching a spot of each key with a plucking motion of your fingers.


In an Old Castle – this piece moves in parallel motion. Where I’ve drawn the upwards arrows is where the phrase takes a breath and breaks. It is very important to do this breaks accurately in this era of music. See if you can get Zoe to do the teacher part with you!!

Great work on the C scale hands together. This week I challenge you to try the G major scale hands together, watch the F# but everything else is the same.