Spring is here! What a gorgeous day, enjoy the weekend!


Bells of Great Britain – This song creates a beautiful soundscape of when you hear a bell tower in the city. Play the first line once loud, then again softly, and then climb the keyboard playing CE getting softer and softer like we’re walking further away from the bells. Count in 1-2-3.

Come On Tigers – *New Concept* the quarter rest! This squiggly line means 1 beat of silence. Be sure you are counting 1-2-3-4 and that there is one beat of silence when a rest appears.

F Major scale. This scale has one black key – Bb. The LH fingering is same as always (54321 321) but the RH is a little special, it goes 1234 1234.


Today we did sightreading and learned a simple 1 page piece as well as ear training since I just saw you on Thursday.
Thursday work continues to be homework: “Canon x Memories – explore slowly hands together with recording and without, making note of which notes land hands together. I also found help playing the Memories RH melody along with the actual memories song by Maroon Five. Don’t worry about taking any of this up to tempo yet, just learn how it feels in your hands very securely first at a slower tempo and it will be easy to speed it up.”


Goldberg Variations – very nice! I like the diminuendo you did in the sequence we talked about last week. You only had two spots that tripped up your memory (measures 24 and 30).


Never Gonna Give You Up – We are now adding the LH to the chorus. It always plays at the same rhythm as the RH does for “give you up” “let you down” “run around” “desert you”. Practice these little isolated circles Hands Together until you can do it consistently. Then we will begin adding the rest of the RH melody in between.

Indiana Jones – We are playing measures 5-13 this week hands seperate. *Notice that both hands are in the treble clef!* I have written in finger 1s when you have to move your RH. Have fun with it and trust your ear!


Formula pattern – fingering when beginning a new octave, set yourself up with finger 4 so you can stay doing the original proper fingering. Be very specific and picky with yourself, as soon as you find yourself doing the wrong fingering and random stuff to make it to the next note, STOP and reset. Your brain remembers your mistakes! Here’s a great video if you need a midweek pickup.

Allegretto – Great! Use fingers 3 and 2 for your trills and ensure your fingers are curved. This is due to the mechanics of the human body, it’s hard to go fast when tense and long, but short and relaxed is easy!

Ditty of Yimeng Mountain – Nice fix on the fingering! For the rolled chords, they need to be on the beat (imagine a harpist is given just the treble clef to play, so they will definitely be playing that chord right on beat 3, and so should you!). Go slow to feel how it will feel and then you can speed back up to current.

The Wind – woohoo!! Very impressive! Work to eliminate any hesitation in the 3/4 part as you find the next broken chord. Play up the dramatic story of the wind as much as you did today when prompted.


Whirling Leaves – both pages. Isolate the top line of page 2 for extra practice as we agreed it’s the trickiest spot. Have fun adding pedal if you like also.

C major scale hands together – Go slowly and ensure the fingering you’re doing is accurate in each hand.