Allegro in D major. For the first page, make sure you have both hands in your fingers. It does not matter if it is at a slow tempo. For the second page, start putting both hands together.
Down by the Way. Pay special attention to the last two lines of the piece. Be careful with the eight notes of the melody.
My First Piano Adventures, pp. 44-45. “Little Lost Kitty”.
Make sure you have both hands in the keyboard at all times, and that you play with all three fingers indicated, not just one.
Memorize Lemonade Stand (p. 64). Pay special attention to the transition between bars 8 and 9.
Read All My Friends in p. 66.
Read new song: Willie and Tillie (p. 18). Remember to start in G position.
Sonatina: Focus on practicing the last three lines (from b. 28). Practice at a slow tempo.
Summertime Sadness: Start arranging it for piano and voice. Use different rhythms and register for different sections.
Theory Book: Complete pp. 60-61.