Congratulations to my students who performed in the recital, you did a fabulous job and I am so proud of you! I look forward to even more spectacular performances from even more of my lovely students at the spring recital!!


Good job, you fixed the rhythm in Who’s on Third! Could you memorize it for next week? Could you also try out detaching the notes which are not slurred together?

New Pageants for Piano: I’m excited to work on this piano method book together, I think it is a great fit for you. Please practice pages 2 and 3, ‘And Also E’ and ‘And Do a March’

Back to the Alfred, be sure to play through the practice exercise on pg 24 before practicing Rock Song. Great job Alex!


Abi, please remember to purchase your Theory Rudiments Level 6 book so we can get cracking at it :)

Review songs for intervals we went over in lesson :)

We’ll start working on arpeggios etc, to increase your agility and stamina.

Remember your books for next week :)

Please pick at least one new song for next week :)


Hello Ava! Wonderful work with the Ode to Joy! Play loud and strong every time!

We learned about intervals today, the unison and the second! Intervals measure the space between two notes aka how far away they are/sound from each other!

New Song: Sea Story :) Trying practicing this at home while singing!

New Song: My Bonnie. What a lovely song for you! I will make a copy for you next week. Listen to the recording we made often in the coming weeks