Maori Haka – Warrior Music at a Wedding

It’s easy to forget – in our very popularity based culture – that music comes from within, from all of us.

In this very interesting clip, a traditional warrior chant and dance used to intimidate enemies, is presented at a wedding as a sign of respect.

The Traditional Haka

Below is a more traditional video, with traditional dress and tribal tattooing.  This is a good one to watch with kids, to broaden some cultural horizons, and to show that music isn’t just singing behind a microphone!

Exposing your kids and friends to different music culturally, historically, rhythmically, and tonally is a subtle, but excellent way to teach the embracing of new things in general.

For a good overview of Haka in general, the Wikipedia article on Haka is excellent.  Of particular interest is the role of women in the traditional Haka, which is reserved for extra special events, and the evolving role for women and children in Haka in modern times.  It is extraordinary and inspiring that a traditional musical form is evolving with what is a pretty quick speed.