
Scales (work on D major this week)

  • Bb Major
  • G minor Harmonic
  • G minor Melodic
  • C major (2 octaves)
  • D major


  • Gymnopédie No. 1 -E. Satie – Listen to some recordings on youtube! I like this one:
  • Barret Melodic Study # 1 (p. 57)


  • Barret articulation Exercise (p. 46)

Warm up:

  • Metronome to 60, Hold each note for 4 beats – Low D, middle half hole D, High D, Middle D, Low D
  • Play one scale from the scales we’ve worked on at 60 = quarter note focusing on getting a big full sound
  • Play through the Barret articulation exercise – try to keep your air flowing as you re-articulate the notes, and drop your jaw and think AH on the lower notes


Try to work on either the Barret Melody OR the Gymnopédie this week. Remember to take bars where you are having trouble apart and play just two or three notes at a time until the transition between all the notes is smooth.

I played around a little with the link you have to your music – you should be able to press the Play button at the top of the page to play the midi file as a sort of backing track! I’ll see if I can get you a recording of a real piano or oboe choir instead this week though.