The reeds seem to be working well now – let me know if any break or seem to be changing so I can get more ready for you. Please make sure to order the Gekeler books for next time I see you. (July 28th)
D Major
- The notes are there, now we need to think about tuning.
- Record yourself playing a low D (in tune – use a tuner), then play the scale slowly against the playback
- make sure your upper and lower D are in tune
- Record a B natural and play the whole D scale again, making sure your B naturals are in tune with the drone
- Record a C#, play the C# to make sure it’s in tune with the recording (use a tuner with all these recordings), then play the scale, paying attention to the C# as you play it
B Minor
- Still needs some work to remember the notes before you play – make sure to remind yourself of:
- The Key signature (F# and C# from the relative major, D)
- The raised notes on the way up, G# and A#
- The lowered notes on the way down for the natural minor using the key signature of D major
- Play slowly with a metronome
- Crescendo to the top B natural keeping your air moving fast
- Tune the notes by dropping your jaw or adjusting your embouchure pressure, not by taking air away
Gymnopédie No. 1
It’s so close!! Try to:
- Play with dynamics – increase your air speed and crescendo!
- Play with the metronome at 63 to the quarter and really pay attention to your rhythm
- See if you can play it even slower