Sorry for the late post, everyone!


David told me that you didn’t see last week’s homework post. I’ve copied it below for you to work on this week.

  • RECITAL: Would you like to play something at the ABC recital on Sunday, May 5? You could play unaccompanied (without the recording) or with the recording. If you’re interested, think of a song you want to play and let me know at our lesson on Saturday.
  • Practising. First of all, play along to some songs you like (or play solo) and have fun. Then, you can work on lesson stuff.
  • Practise the “Fly” drum beat (it’s written on a sheet you have) along to a metronome at 40 bpm. Once you get that down, try it at 45 bpm, then 50 bpm. Remember: the metronome clicks on quarter notes. To check that you are playing the first part of the drum beat correctly, make sure you’re doing these 2 things:
    • Your hi-hat and bass drum are playing the first 2 notes together.
    • You are playing four hi-hat notes before beat 2 (where the snare drum comes in).
  • If you are still unsure as to whether you’re playing the drum beat correctly, record yourself playing on your phone and then watch/listen to it to see if you were playing the drum beat correctly.


  • Apparently you forgot a sheet of music at the school. I’ll return it to you during our lesson on Saturday.
  • Practising. First of all, play along (drum kit and/or xylophone) to some songs you like (or play solo) and have fun. Then, you can work on lesson stuff.
  • Practise Arabian Nights (snare drum and xylophone parts) along to a metronome. I’m not sure what tempo your teacher is having you play it at, but try to find it on the metronome. If it’s too fast, slow it down. I’d prefer you play it slowly along to a metronome rather than quickly but not in time. If you’re having trouble hearing the metronome as you’re playing, plug your headphones into it.


  • First of all, play along to some songs you like (or play unaccompanied – without listening to a recording) and have fun. Then, you can work on lesson stuff.
  • Practise section B of the Bank Account sheet from last week. Play along to a metronome at 60 bpm. Once you have played through all the patterns, do it again except at 70 bpm. The recording of Bank Account is 75 bpm, so once you’ve mastered 70 bpm, you can just play along to the recording next.