Hi everyone,
With the transition to ZOOM video lessons, I am no longer able to write down notes and musical material in the students’ books/binders. Instead, I have created PDF documents for each of you and dropped them into a Google Drive folder. The link to your documents is listed in the What to practice heading under your name below. You should be able to access the documents simply by clicking on the link. Here are your practice assignments for this week:
Recommended minutes to practice: 5-10 minutes per day
What to practice: Practice rhythms #12-13 and #17-18 from the page I have provided called “Lesson 11” as well as the beat from “Ruby Tuesday”: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jaROP8emrq7yGkV13Mt_Js4NVtEz-sCl?usp=sharing
How to practice it most effectively: Keep working on the rhythms from the “Lesson 11” page. They’re getting a little bit better each week, but they still need some more work. Focus this week on numbers 12, 13, 17, and 18. Also, when you’re working on Ruby Tuesday, listen to the recording of the song to remind yourself how it goes. Then, once you think you know it, try to play along with the recording.
Recommended minutes to practice: 10-15 minutes per day
What to practice: Finish up the 16th-note accent patterns this week: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SCS8WVjfR1OZVlYmt8a1r2LTxo2NJOpN?usp=sharing
How to practice it most effectively: Work backwards on the page this week, starting with #10 and then #9, etc. The ones at the top of the page are already very good so they won’t need as much work. With each accent pattern, practice playing it first on the snare drum, then practice playing the accents around the drums in different patterns. Try to avoid crossing your left hand over your right when you’re doing this. Keep the left hand on either the snare drum or the high tom.
Recommended minutes to practice: 20-30 minutes per day
What to practice: Practice the ghost note beats from the sheet that I have provided as well as the beat from “Funky Drummer”: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GxopIaGPN0UhwG3zk4gQWTnEaDDL7TWP?usp=sharing
How to practice it most effectively: Practice playing each of the beats at a variety of speeds (fast and slow) and focus on keeping the volume of the ghost notes soft. It is important to keep a really steady pulse on the hi-hat and to make sure that the bass and snare notes line up exactly with that pulse. The same thing goes for the “Funky Drummer” beat. Take it slow and make sure every part of the beat is in the right place.