EVERYONE: If you want to play at the recital next Sunday, May 5, call the school to sign up. The recital will be held at the Root Down Studio at 225 Geary Ave. It will occur in 3 sessions: 12:00 – 1:00, 1:00 – 2:00, 2:00-3:00. If you are not performing, we ask that you attend at least one of the sessions as an audience member.


  • Get full sized sticks.
  • Free play: Play along to what ever songs you’d like, or play unaccompanied (without background music).
  • Play along to Going Bad. You can use the beats written on the sheet, but you don’t have to. You should be able to play through the whole song without stopping.
  • Pick 3 new songs that you want to learn.


  • Free play: Play along to what ever songs you’d like, or play unaccompanied (without background music).
  • Practise the “Fly” drum beat (it’s written on a sheet you have) and your original drum beat (labelled “Harry’s original drum beat” on the April 27 lesson paper) along to a metronome at 40 bpm. Once you get that down, try it at 45 bpm, then 50 bpm. Remember: the metronome clicks on quarter notes.


  • Free play: Play along to what ever songs you’d like, or play unaccompanied (without background music).
  • Play along to Can’t Feel My Face and make sure you stop playing when the drums stop playing in the recording. Familiarize yourself with the song enough to anticipate the breaks.
  • Play bars 1-3 of THIS PAGE (<–– blue text is “clickable”). Remember to “swing” your eighth notes. Practise along to some of the recordings I sent you in previous homework posts, or find your own jazz recordings.