About Virginia MacDonald

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So far Virginia MacDonald has created 56 blog entries.

Homework for May 26th

Hi everyone, Here is the homework for this week. Jonathan: Keep trying to connect your notes while practicing the chromatic scale. Make sure to only breathe after every 3-4 notes, and don't leave space in between notes just because you're tonguing them. Focus on the high part of the scale (high A to C); make sure you are keeping your [...]

2017-05-26T00:52:22-04:00May 26th, 2017|

Homework for May 18th

Hi everyone, Here is the homework for this week. Jonathan: When practicing your chromatic scale, or any other scale, remember not to breathe after every note! Try making it at least 3-4 notes without breathing. Additionally, when tonguing your notes, make sure they aren't disconnected/that you don't leave space in between them. Practice the rhythmic exercise we discussed with the [...]

2017-09-05T21:46:13-04:00May 19th, 2017|

Homework for April 6th

Hi everyone, Here is the homework for this week. Jonathan: Review the notes we worked on during this lesson. You can try figuring the notes out in any major scale by using the Tone, Semitone pattern, or the order of sharps/flats combined with the other information I gave you! Keep practicing your chromatic scale as a warm up - start [...]

2017-04-07T19:16:10-04:00April 7th, 2017|

Homework for March 30th

Hi everyone, Here is the homework for this week. Jonathon: Remember to pick up some mouthpiece patches at Long and McQuade. I'd suggest looking through some of the music they have for clarinet - see if you can find any beginner suitable books. Try breaking up your practice sessions - do one 15 or 20 minute session in the morning, [...]

2017-09-05T21:46:17-04:00March 30th, 2017|

Homework for March 16th

Hi everyone, Here is the homework for this week. Jonathon: Begin your practice session with the chromatic scale. You may either begin on your low E, go up to high C and then down, or vice versa (start with high C, and go down to low E). Try practicing both ways! Work on your register slurs in the specific register [...]

2017-03-20T13:14:16-04:00March 19th, 2017|

Homework for March 9th

Hi everyone, Here is the homework for this week. Jonathon: Begin your practice session with the chromatic scale; start on high C, as we discussed, and work your way down to low E. Keep the metronome on 60, and play each note for either four or eight beats. Make sure you stay in time with the metronome. Keep working on [...]

2017-03-09T23:08:23-05:00March 9th, 2017|

Homework for Feb. 23rd

Hi everyone, Here is the homework for this week. Sorry its a little late! Jonathon: Here are some good resources on articulation or "tonguing" on the clarinet: - http://www.clarinet-now.com/clarinet-articulation.html - https://www.tcnj.edu/~mckinney/tonguing.htm Continue working on the chromatic scale starting from your Bb and working your way down to low E. Once you get to your low F#, make sure to practice both sets [...]

2017-09-05T21:46:17-04:00February 26th, 2017|

Homework for Feb 9th

Hi everyone, Here is the homework for this week. Jonathon: The metronome app I use is called "Pro Metronome". It's free on the app store! Start your practice sessions by working your way down the fingering chart from Bb to low E. Keep the metronome at 60, and try holding each note for 8-12 beats. To change it up, you [...]

2017-09-05T21:46:18-04:00February 11th, 2017|

Homework for Feb. 2nd

Hi everyone, Here is the homework for this week. Jonathon: Work your way through the fingering chart, from Bb to E. Don't concern yourself with the alternate fingerings, except for the last three notes: F#/Gb, F, and E. Try your best to memorize these fingerings, and the associated note names. Work on knowing both enharmonics for sharp and flat notes [...]

2017-03-20T16:10:24-04:00February 2nd, 2017|

Homework for Dec. 12th

Hi everyone, Here is the homework for this week. Jonathon: Here are a few links on correct clarinet embouchure: http://www.clarinet-now.com/poor-clarinet-embouchure.html, http://www.clarinet-now.com/clarinet-embouchure.html, https://www.tcnj.edu/~mckinney/clarinet_embouchure.htm Try to get comfortable holding and blowing into the clarinet. Remember that consistency is key, especially in the beginning! Try to spend a bit of time every day blowing a few notes on the clarinet, so you don't have to reset/relearn [...]

2017-09-05T21:46:19-04:00January 13th, 2017|
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