Hi everyone,
Here is the homework for this week. Sorry its a little late!
- Here are some good resources on articulation or “tonguing” on the clarinet:
– http://www.clarinet-now.com/clarinet-articulation.html
– https://www.tcnj.edu/~mckinney/tonguing.htm - Continue working on the chromatic scale starting from your Bb and working your way down to low E. Once you get to your low F#, make sure to practice both sets of fingerings (right F#, left F, right E; left F#, right F, left E). Practice with the metronome on 60, holding each note for 12 beats; experiment with playing loudly and softly.
- Practice your register slurs starting at your low E, and working your way up as far as you can go hitting the higher note. Use this as an exercise to memorize the note names and their associated fingerings! Don’t go through these on auto-pilot. Practice with the metronome on 60, holding the bottom note for 4 beats, and the top note for 4.
- Continue working on the exercises in the Rubank book. Refer to the two links above, and try to tongue all of the notes you are playing, instead of just starting them with an air attack (blowing into the clarinet with no articulation).
- Some other clarinet players to check out: Martin Frost, Anat Cohen, Buddy DeFranco, Woody Herman, Ken Peplowski
- Spend some time working on coming down the chromatic scale. Remember to tighten up for the higher notes (high C, B, Bb, etc)
- Keep working on your C, F and G major, and the new addition. Try to practice and be able to play your scales, arpeggios, and thirds with and without music. Practice with the metronome!
- Work on the march we looked at in your band book. Take it bar by bar, and make sure you get the correct rhythms. Practice with a metronome once you are confident with the notes and rhythms. Try not to rush!
- Add A major into your scale repertoire, and spend some time practicing the seven scales you’ve worked on (C, F, G, Bb, D, Eb, A). We’ll spend some time on these next week!
- Keep working through Bolero, and addressing the more tricky rhythmic parts. Remember to take out any ties and articulation markings, and only add them back in once you’re comfortable. If there is an offbeat eighth note (an eighth note that occurs on the AND of the beat) try adding another eighth note on the downbeat like we talked about, and removing it once you can “hear” where the note would be.
- Clap triplets with the metronome. Try saying “1,2,3” or “trip-e-let” out loud while clapping each set of triplets.
- Practice Bolero with a recording! Here is a decent version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4wb11w0ZHQ
- Work on the pages you’ve bookmarked in the purple book when you have free time! Perhaps we will revisit Pavane next week, and I may try to bring in a better, long form version.