10:30-11 Shray
We started Greensleeves on pg 108
Consult the front of your book for the exercises we worked on in the lesson.
2- 2:30 Nino
This week we worked on:
Wish you were here – chords are getting better – keep working on the full G chord, its sounding good.
Demons – chords are getting better as well!
Let it be : started easy chord melody
12:30-1:15 Veronica
Funk bass: express yourself, Lady marmalade
So what bass line
Walking bass practice: autumn leaves
1:15-2 Sydney
Absent. Continue Dust in the Wind by Kansas and new fingerpicking exercise
2:30-3 Felipe
Continue “Girl like you”:bar chords and the little solo break. Review the new rock band songs, make sure you know all the chords and/or riffs. Check the homework for Rock band.