10:30-11 Shray

Memorize the chords in Deck the Halls and make up your own chord progressions from the chords shown on pg. 66.

Review exercises from the week before if your fingers are feeling better.

11- 11:30  Nino

This week we worked on:

Demons – keep working on strumming 4 chords to every bar.

Started: Somewhere over the rainbow

Let it be and silent night : started both with easy chord melody


12:30-1:15 Veronica


Last week’s post:

Funk bass: express yourself, Lady marmalade

So what bass line

Walking bass practice: autumn leaves


1:15-2 Sydney

Work on Lights down low song with new fingerpicking technique

Continue Dust in the Wind by Kansas and the fingerpicking exercise sheet


2:30-3   Felipe

Keep working at Stairway to heaven paying attention to tab.

Review the new rock band songs, make sure you know all the chords and/or riffs. Check the homework for Rock band.